Omar Abdullah, Vice President of Jammu Kashmir National Conference questioned the the claims of central government that there is normal situation in Kashmir. "Fights and tourism are not normalcy. Tourist use to come kashmir before abrogation too, Today a employee is killed inside a government office while he is working, A policeman is killed at his home, Kashmiri Pandits are ready to leave their jobs and leave kashmir, Is this normalcy?" Omar said. Omar added, "Pandit employees leaders got compelled to meet PAGD for justice. "PADG leaders went to Lieutenant Governor for their rights. If it's new term of normalcy then it's ok but we see militancy rising in those areas which were militancy free in our times especially srinagar and parts of north kashmir. He added. 


Jounior Abdullah reacting on a question about conducting elections said " if Center is ready to accept that situation in jammu kashmir is worst than 1996 then I will agree that elections should not be conducted" He made alligation on Delimitation commission for working in a manner so that one party and their allies could get benifit during elections in jammu kashmir. 

Omar lashed out BJP while saying that we were told that abrogation of article 370 is the base of all violence and unrest in kashmir. "Two-and-half years have passed, where is improvement in the situation? Targeted killings had stopped in the past.  I cannot remember when the circle of targeted killings took place last time. Today, people are not feeling secure in Kashmir." We were told after abrogation of article 370 all violance and unrest will stop, no improvement is there" he said. 

Omar said there is difference between what is said and what is done by the government. The situation is getting worse by each passing day they way it's being handled" Omar said.

Omar was talking to reporters in National Conference head office in jammu. He was there to inaugurate the new media cell of party.