New Delhi: In a fresh salvo at his former boss, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Suvendu Adhikari on Friday (March 19) called West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee "queen of rigging" and accused her of "using intruders and Pakistanis". 


Addressing Banerjee’s allegations that voting in the upcoming state Assembly elections would be rigged, Adhikari accused the TMC chief of “misusing the administration”. 

"Queen of rigging is saying that vote rigging will happen. The election will happen in a democratic way and that is why she is disturbed. Even now she is misusing administration, police and using ghuspaitheye (intruders) and Pakistanis. Police is a mute spectator. But the people are with us,” the BJP leader told ANI. 

On Banerjee’s statement that after winning West Bengal, TMC will form a government at the Centre, Adhikari said, "She said the same thing before 2019 and spoke about United India. The more she speaks, the more seats will go to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. ‘2019 mein half hua iss baar saaf hua’." 

The BJP leader slammed Banerjee and said that speaking against Prime Minister Narendra Modi is like speaking against "democracy" and "Bharat Mata". 

“You will have to take Prime Minister Narendra Modi`s vaccine against COVID-19. He is an elected Prime Minister. Speaking against him is like speaking against democracy. Speaking against him is speaking against Bharat Mata. Pakistan and Bangladesh do not have vaccine, so you will have to take Prime Minister Modi`s vaccine," he was quoted as saying by ANI. 

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and BJP's Suvendu Adhikari will contest against each other in the Nandigram assembly seat. 

The West Bengal assembly elections will be held in eight phases starting from March 27. The counting of votes will take place on May 2.

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