SHIMLA: The ruling Congress is fraudulently registering voters with the aim of winning the upcoming Shimla Municipal Corporation elections, BJP leader Sukhram Chaudhary alleged on Wednesday. Taking to reporters here, Chaudhary, the party's in-charge for the civic polls and a former minister, further alleged that the Congress government is confused between the voter lists of 2017 and 2022 and is unable to take a decision on whether to have direct or indirect election for the posts of mayor and deputy mayor.


Congress leaders are registering 100 to 500 fraud voters in their ward by putting pressure on officials, he alleged.

The Shimla Municipal Corporation (SMC) polls are likely to be held in April-May.

He alleged that people living outside the municipal corporation limits are being made voters in ward number 5 (Summerhill).

Alleging that block level officers are registering voters without verification, he demanded that officials discharge their duties impartially.

The government should not put pressure on officers and registration of multiple voters using the same address proof is wrong, he added.

Chaudhary said the BJP requests the Congress government to conduct the municipal elections in a fair manner.