Pune: The Solapur district of Maharashtra saw a march of eligible bachelors looking for wives to fill the imbalanced male-female ratio. The 'bridegroom morcha' was organised on Wednesday by an organisation that afterward submitted a memorandum to the district collector's office requesting strict application of the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act in order to enhance the male-female ratio in Maharashtra. The letter also requested that the state government arrange brides for the march's eligible bachelors.


Several bachelors arrived at the collector's office dressed in wedding gowns, riding horses, and accompanied by band music, demanding brides for themselves. "People may mock this morcha, but the grim reality is that youth of marriageable age are not getting brides just because the male-female ratio is skewed in the state," said Ramesh Baraskar, founder of the Jyoti Kranti Parishad, which arranged the event. He said that the sex ratio in Maharashtra was 889 girls for every 1,000 boys. "This inequality exists because of female foeticide and the government is responsible for this disparity," Baraskar claimed. 

The band members are seen marching ahead while playing the drums in the viral video, and the groom riding on the mare is seen following them. Everyone is taken aback by this one-of-a-kind performance concept. The youngsters urged that the laws prohibiting female feticide and sex determination be strengthened. Those who disobey these laws should face harsh penalties.