New Delhi: Israel will compensate kin of Soumya Sathosh at par with its own nationals killed in the terror attack. Soumya, an Indian national was killed in a Hamas rocket attack in Israel's Ashkelon. The caregiver is survived by a nine-year-old son and her husband.  


Rony Yedidia Clein, Israel's Charge d'affaires said in a virtual presser. "Israeli people see her sacrifice as making her into honorary citizen.. they see her one of their own because of what happened to her," he said.

Soumya along with two Thai nationals who were killed in Hamas rocket attack will get the full benefit from Israel's national insurance institute that it gives to all Israelis who are killed in terror acts, by law. 
The bodies was sent to their respective countries by the Israeli govt and their family will receive the benefits. 

Notably, in a gesture seen as a break from protocol, Israel's Charge d'affaires in Delhi was present at the airport when Soumya's mortal remains arrived in India. Later, Israel's Consul General to South India, Jonathan Zadka had visited her family in Kerala to pay homage. 

Asked about India's reaction, diplomat Rony said, "We have had conversations with Indian counterparts and had and understanding with them," adding, "Indian public has expressed a great amount of support and we are very very happy with that". 

India had spoken at both United Nations Security Council and United Nations General Assembly on the situation, something that is being described as a "good statement" by Israeli Diplomat. 

In the statement, India's envoy to UN TS Tirumurti had condemned the Hamas rocket attacks, while urging both sides to urge restraint. 

Israel and Hamas agreed on a ceasefire which came into effect at 4.30 am IST on Friday, May 21. The 11-day conflict saw the death of more than 200 Palestinians, mainly in Gaza, and 12 Israeli Nationals. 

The conflict broke out after violence in Jerusalem and the possible eviction of Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhood in the city.