Chandauli: A scuffle broke out between Samajwadi Party workers and the police at Ramgarh village in Sakaldiha of Uttar Pradesh`s Chandauli on Sunday (December 5) when a group of SP workers tried to meet Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reportedly to hand over a memorandum of demands relating to the shortage of manure, non-procurement of paddy and repair of pothole-laden roads, said the police.


Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was on a visit to Sant Keenaram Ashram in Ramgarh of Sakaldiha assembly of Chandauli on Sunday, added the police. Meanwhile, a large number of SP workers including former MPs, Samajwadi Party MLAs, marched to Ramgarh, to hand over the memorandum to the Chief Minister to take action on shortage of manure in the district, non-procurement of paddy and repair of pothole-laden roads, as per the police.

Police were already present on the route from Chahaniya to Ramgarh. When the police stopped the SP workers, the group became furious and attacked the police. According to the police, this led to a fierce tussle between the police and the SP workers. The police had to resort to the lathi-charge to control the tussle.

"There was a programme of the Chief minister at Sant Keenaram Ashram in Ramgarh of Sakaldiha assembly of Chandauli. The Samajwadi Party was supposed to give a memorandum with their demands to the Chief Minister. However, when the police tried to stop them from approaching the Chief Minister, a scuffle broke out between the two parties," said CO Sakaldiha Anirudh Singh.

"The SP workers also indulged in violence that led the police to use force to stop them. Strict action will be taken against the perpetrators as there was a high alert as the Chief Minister was on a visit," he added.

SDM Sakaldiha Additional Superintendent of Police Chiranjeevi Mukherjee reached the spot and tried to convince the SP workers to stop the tussle. SP workers settled down and handed the memorandum to the SDM Sakaldiha. 

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