Ghazipur: Union Minister Giriraj Singh, at a programme commemorating the death anniversary of former Ghazipur MLA Krishnanand Rai, said that 'love jihad' was a form of terrorism which was a ploy to "finish sanatan dharma". Speaking at the late BJP MLA's death anniversary, Singh said, "Terrorism has taken a new shape in the form of love jihad...It is a ploy to finish 'sanatan dharma' in India. The followers have to unite and foil this conspiracy." Earlier Giriraj Singh had made headlines over his strong remarks on population control law. Singh had advocated bringing out a population control law in India to curb the growing population and compared India's population to China. It has been predicted that India will soon surpass China as the most populous nation in 2023.


He correlated population increase to a slowdown in development. "In China, 10 children are born every minute, while in India, 31 babies are born per minute. Due to this, development could not take place at a rapid speed so far," he claimed. He said that it is imperative for India to frame concrete laws on population control. 

Also Read: 'Population control bill is crucial, how will we compete with China?': Union Minister

Earlier, Singh, had spoken about violence against women in the country. He stated any violence against women should not be seen through the prism of religion and it should be condemned outrightly by all without any prejudice.

Quoting figures from the National Crime Records Bureau`s (NCRB) `Crime in India 2021` report, Singh expressed concern over India registering 31,677 cases of rape in 2021 - an average of 86 daily - while nearly 49 cases of crime against women were lodged every single hour.

(With agency inputs)