Amaravati: In a bizarre incident, women in an Andhra Pradesh village are prohibited to wear nighties during the daytime. According to the elders of Tokalapalli village in the state's West Godavari district, no woman should wear nighties between 7 am to 7 pm.


The rule, allegedly formulated by village elders, say that if someone is found not following the 'rule', a fine of Rs 2000 will be imposed on her. Furthermore, a 'prize' of Rs 1000 has been earmarked for the person who informs village elders about women not adhering to the dress code.

Also, it is being said that the money which will be collected through fines will be used for the development of the village, which comprises of 11,000 families and has a population of 36,000 people.

Following reports of the new rule, Village Tehsildar Sundar Raju and police sub-inspector Vijay Kumar visited the area to analyse the situation. However, to their surprise, no woman came forward to oppose the decision.

The residents of the village said that they are happy about the ban. A woman in the village said that there has been no such decision of fining the women. "It's just a rumour," said Saraswati.

"Women in the village have taken a decision not to wear night dress in the daytime and informed the elders in the village. It was then that they gave a specific time frame. But there is no such rule to collect fines from women," she said.

Another villager, Krishna Kumari, said that they are "very happy" to follow the rules which were created by all the women in the village. "We all collectively took this decision to respect and follow our tradition," she added.

(With inputs from ANI)