In a unexpected turn of events, Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb resigned on Saturday, two days after he went to New Delhi to meet Union Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP president JP Nadda on Thursday for a confabulation on the party's affairs in the Northeastern state. There have been rumours of infighting within the BJP's state unit. Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma, who is related to the erstwhile Tripura royal family, is expected to take charge in the interim, sources said. The state is slated to go to assembly elections next year.


MLAs' complaint against Biplab Deb

In December 2020, 7 BJP MLAs from Tripura had flown to New Delhi to complaint against Deb "high handedness" to senior party leadership. The MLAs had met BJP National president JP Nadda and Union Home Minister Amit Shah. According to these MLAs, CM Biplab Deb had been non-responsive towards BJP leaders and he is not listening to the concerns of senior leaders of the party who have worked hard to help the BJP come to power in Tripura in 2018.

MLAs' issue with Biplab Deb, not with party leadership

The disgruntled MLAs have no complaints with the BJP and they have made it clear that their loyalty lies with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the central leadership of the party.

Who rebelled against Bipal Deb?

The rebel camp, as reported in 2020, was headed by Sudip Roy Burman, who has claimed that many MLAs, who are against CM Deb, were with him. Burman said that CM Biplab Deb's attitude is like a dictator and he does not have enough experience to run government, so he should be removed from the post.

It is to be noted that BJP has 36 MLAs in Tripura's 60-member Assembly and if Burman's claim is correct, then it will be difficult for BJP to keep save the government in Tripura without addressing the concerns of the disgruntled MLAs.