The Delhi Police has arrested two men and apprehended six juveniles in connection with a robbery-cum-murder case in Patel Nagar area, officials said on Tuesday. The arrested accused were identified as Vivek (20) and Sikander (21), both residents of Anand Parbat, they said


Robbed mobile phone, one blood-stained knife and Aadhaar card of the deceased were recovered from their possession, police said.

On Friday, information was received at Patel Nagar police station regarding stabbing of a man by some unidentified people. It was revealed that Manoj, the victim, was taken to Sardar Vallabh Bhai Hospital and later shifted to RML Hospital where he was declared brought dead, a senior police officer said.

Manoj, an electrician, was stabbed on the left side of his abdomen. Manoj's younger brother Bablu said his brother was returning home from work when he was attacked.

Complainant Mukesh stated that his younger brother Manoj was stabbed by some unidentified people and they have robbed his belongings, police said.

During investigation, police analyzed more than 400 CCTV footages and nabbed the accused. Six juveniles were apprehended and two accused were arrested. One of those arrested was found previously involved in criminal cases, Deputy Commissioner of Police (central) Shweta Chauhan said. 

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