New Delhi: Rags to riches stories are timeless tales of inspiration that captivate the hearts of many, especially those aspiring to conquer the challenges of the UPSC journey. Amidst the tumultuous highs and lows of life, one constant shines through: the indomitable spirit fueled by unwavering dedication and relentless perseverance.


Among the countless tales of triumph, the narrative of IAS Nirish Rajput stands as a beacon of hope. Emerging from the depths of poverty in Madhya Pradesh's Bhind district, Nirish's journey embodies the essence of resilience and determination. Born into an impoverished family, where every meal was a struggle, he took up the mantle of responsibility early on, selling newspapers to supplement his father's meager income.

Denied the luxury of a private education, Nirish embraced the humble offerings of a government school. Undeterred by financial constraints, he embarked on a journey of academic pursuit, earning degrees in both BSc and MSc.

Recognizing his potential, a friend urged him to impart his knowledge at a UPSC coaching institute. Sacrificing two precious years to nurture the aspirations of others, Nirish's efforts brought acclaim to the institute. However, his trust was betrayed, leaving him without a job and facing a daunting setback.

Undaunted by adversity, Nirish charted a new course, setting his sights on Delhi to pursue UPSC preparation. Struggling with limited resources, he found solace in the generosity of fellow students, relying on their notes for guidance.

Fuelled by an unwavering resolve, Nirish immersed himself in a grueling routine, dedicating nearly every waking hour to his studies. Despite facing the bitter sting of failure in his initial attempts, he refused to yield to despair.

With each setback, he emerged stronger, more determined than ever to realize his dreams. And finally, his perseverance bore fruit as he triumphed over the UPSC hurdle, securing an impressive AIR-370.

The transformation of Nirish Rajput from the depths of poverty to the esteemed ranks of civil service is a testament to the power of hard work, persistence, and unwavering passion. His journey serves as an inspiration, illuminating the path for countless others to follow in his footsteps, overcoming obstacles and forging their own path to success.