New Delhi: Amid fears of the spread of dengue, the Medical superintendent of the Ballia district Dr VP Singh on Sunday (September 5, 2021) said the children's ward is fully occupied with patients. Over 25 percent increases has been observed in the cases of viral fever in the district hospital in the past 10 days. 


"This is the rainy season when fever, weakness, body pain and diarrhoea patients register a rise, and it is quite natural."

Meanwhile, child specialist of the district hospital, Dr J S Kumar said, "In the past 10 days, there has been an increase of 25 per cent in the number of patients of viral fever."

District Magistrate Aditi Singh also revealed that all village panchayats and urban local bodies have been instructed to undertake anti-larval spray and keep a special focus on cleanliness.

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Chief Medical Officer of Ballia Dr Tanmay Kakkar assured that all necessary precautions are being taken.

"Everyday, 140 patients are being tested in the district hospital. Most of these people are typhoid patients. No death has taken place due to dengue or viral fever, and at present there are nine patients of dengue in the district," the CMO said.

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He added all possibilities of waterlogging in affected villages are being redressed, and anti-larval spraying is being done. 

(With PTI inputs)

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