Uttar Pradesh: In a shocking incident reported from Uttar Pradesh a ludo junkie woman lost all her money during a game she played against her landlord and then she ended up betting herself in the game she lost. After losing the game, the woman has reportedly started to live with the landlord, despite various attempts of her husband trying to convince her otherwise. The incident is being reported from Devkali locality in Bhagalpur Block of Deoria District.


The woman, Renu, used to gamble with the money that her husband used to send her from Jaipur where he used to work. Renu reportedly used to play Ludo regularly with her landlord. On one such day, when both of them were playing the game and placing bets, the woman put herself at stake as she ran out of all her money.

According to reports she called her husband and narrated the entire incident. Her husband came to Pratapgarh and filed a police complaint. He also posted this incident on the social media platform which is now going viral.

While the incident may sound bizarre, it should be noted that this is not the first-time Ludo has been the cause of distress in family. In 2020, a woman took her father to the family court after he beat her in the popular game. The 24-year-old woman from Bhopal had harbored resentment against her father after he defeated her in Ludo multiple times.