JAIPUR: A passenger at the Jaipur Airport on Thursday pressed a panic button after he heard Congress party leader and MP Shashi Tharoor talking. Tharoor was waiting at the airport for her sister who was coming from Delhi and was in conversation with someone.


The passenger overheard the conversation when the MP was saying he was waiting for his sister and misheard it as 'waiting for pistol'. Panic-stricken, the passenger informed the airport security forcing them to act.

The matter was soon resolved after Tharoor gave a clarification that he was waiting for his sister to arrive. 

"Shashi Tharoor wasn't detained for possession of pistol at Jaipur airport. He was waiting for his sister. Someone asked him what he was waiting for, he said "my sister", misheard as "Pistol". The individual informed security, which sought clarification. The matter was later closed," CISF sources told ANI.

Tharoor was recently caught in such a scenario of confusion when actor Shashi Kapoor passed away. The Congress leader said he was getting condolence calls. "We're getting condolence calls in the office. Reports of my demise are, if not exaggerated, at least premature. #ShashiKapoor," Tharoor had then tweeted.

The mistake had happened after a news channel's Twitter handle wrote Shashi Tharoor instead of Shashi Kapoor, who was 79.