Bengaluru, formerly known as Banglore is the capital city of one of the most varied geographical states, Karnataka. The city is a major IT hub in India and one of the fastest emerging in the world. Bengaluruites proudly wear the batch of one of the best climates cities, especially when compared to other metropolitan cities where the standard of living is similar. All these things make the city one of the best in ease of living. 


Bangalore's weather is a big draw for people living and visiting there. The city provides a welcome break from the extreme heat of many other Indian cities, making it a popular choice for those looking for a comfortable and pleasant place to live. With all these, the city around areas is full of hills, wildlife forests, lakes and other places like Bheemeshwari.


Bengaluru is located on the Deccan Plateau, at a height of over 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level, which is higher than many similar cities. This causes the climate to be naturally cool or moderate throughout the year as we go higher, the air pressure decreases, and the air expands, cooling down the temperature. The air is typically more humid in hilly areas, which leads to more evaporation and cooling.

 Western Ghats Influence

The Western Ghats are the long east-to-west mountain ranges which act as a wall obstructing the hot humid air from the Arabian Sea forwarding towards the city. The Western Ghats' dense forests and high hills help collect and store rainwater, and also affect how much rain falls in Bengaluru so is also crucial to the amount of rain falling in Bengaluru and other neighbouring areas.

Garden City Of India

Bangalore also called the Garden City, got its nickname well-deserved, and its many parks and green spaces are a big reason why the city feels so fresh and welcoming. Even though the city has lost some of its green areas over time, the remaining parks and gardens still help keep the air clean and the atmosphere cool and refreshing, making Bangalore a pleasant place to live and visit.

Moderate Humidity

The city experiences moderate humidity levels almost throughout the year. Because of the Western Ghats, excess humidity is cut down from the city preventing the weather from feeling excessively hot or bustling and thus a balanced climate.

Smooth Seasonal Changes

There are no extreme changes in the seasons in Bengaluru. A gradual shift from one weather to another can be experienced. However, now the season schemes are changing due to the extreme urbanisation and concrete belts across the city.


Bengaluru gets rainfall from two monsoons - the northeast monsoon and the southwest monsoon - which means it gets plenty of rain throughout the year. The rainiest months are September, October, and August, which are usually the wettest and most humid times of the year. During these months, the city experiences heavy rainfall, which helps to replenish its water sources and keep the surroundings green and lush. The dual monsoon influence ensures that Bengaluru has a pleasant climate, with plenty of rainfall to support its gardens, parks, and overall ecosystem.

Several things have been changed now. As Bengaluru has become more developed, the city has replaced many of its green spaces with paved roads and buildings. This has led to a big increase in temperature, making the city feel much hotter than it used to. In the past, the city had a lot more green spaces and fewer paved areas, which kept the temperature cooler. But now, with less than 3% of the city covered in greenery, the heat has become a big problem.