Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Friday asked the Bharatiya Janata Party leaders why his party’s promise to provide free electricity to the people of Gujarat was "troubling" the saffron party. Kejriwal’s comments came in response to BJP's Gujarat chief CR Patil’s remarks over freebies being offered by "some leaders" in the state. Taking a potshot at BJP, the Delhi chief minister said in order to provide free electricity, corruption has to be ended.


Without naming the AAP or Kejriwal, the Gujarat BJP chief had on Thursday reportedly cautioned the people against getting influenced by the freebies offered by "some political leaders", warning they were not good for the economy and that freebies could ruin the state.

Patil was reportedly addressing a gathering after dedicating inaugurating the South Gujarat Medical Education and Research Institute in Surat.

"Patil Sahib, your ministers get free electricity, is that right? You do you so much trouble if I provide free electricity to the public," Kejriwal tweeted in Hindi reacting to media reports.

"There is huge corruption in the Gujarat government. End corruption like Delhi and Punjab, a lot of money will be saved for giving free electricity to the public," he added.

Addressing a rally organised by his party in Rajkot city earlier this month, Kejriwal had also promised better schools and hospitals, and free pilgrimage for senior citizens in air-conditioned trains to various religious places, including Ayodhya, if the AAP was voted to power in Gujarat.

Accusing the BJP of "failure" on multiple fronts during its nearly three-decade rule in Gujarat, the AAP national convenor had asked the people to give his party a chance to govern the state.

Assembly elections in Gujarat are likely to be held later this year.