Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Yashwant Sinha's criticism of the ruling government has given a shot in the arm to the opposition Congress. Hours after the veteran BJP leader posted his critique of the Narendra Modi government's economic policies, several Congress leaders have retweeted his quotes as a validation of their own criticism of the ruling government.


Seemingly elated at the attack on the Central government's policies by one of their own, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi took to Twitter with this witty post. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your copilot & FM speaking. Plz fasten your seat belts & take brace position. The wings have fallen off our plane," he said tweeting out Yashwant Sinha's editorial.

Earlier in the day, Chidambaram also used Sinha's article to attack Modi saying that the truth will prevail. "Yashwant Sinha speaks Truth to Power. Will Power now admit the Truth that economy is sinking," he said.

Yashwant Sinha in an editorial on Wednesday wrote that the Indian economy is in a mess. "I shall be failing in my national duty if I did not speak up even now against the mess the finance minister has made of the economy," he said.

Criticising Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Sinha recalled in his write up how despite losing the Lok Sabha election from Amritsar, he was made the Finance Minister. "One may recall that in similar circumstances Atal Bihari Vajpayee had refused to appoint Jaswant Singh and Pramod Mahajan, two of his closest colleagues in the party, to his cabinet in 1998," Singh wrote.