UP News: Amid the ongoing protests and rising political row in UP, the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission agreed to conduct the preliminary examination in one day, said the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) on Thursday. The decision came after several aspirants in Prayagraj protested outside the UPPSC office, demanding that the PCS and RO/ARO exams be conducted in one day and one shift.


Taking cognisance of the escalating issue and demands of students in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, CM Yogi Adityanath asked the Commission to make necessary decisions by communicating and coordinating with the students regarding the PCS Preliminary Examination 2024 in one day. Meanwhile, a committee has been formed by the Commission for RO/ARO (Pre.) Examination-2023.

The committee will consider all aspects and submit its detailed report soon. One of the aspirants protesting said that the PCS exam will be conducted as it used to be conducted. "The RO/ARO exam has been cancelled... But our demand is that we want notice of that also, and till there is no notice on the website, we will continue to protest," protesting aspirants said.

Prayagraj DM Ravindra Kumar said that the date of the exam (PCS) will be issued by the commission (UPPSC) soon. Earlier in the day, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission secretary Ashok Kumar met the protesting students.

The student aspirants who have been protesting over 'single shift' UPPSC examinations for the fourth consecutive day broke barricades to reach Gate No. 2 of the UPPSC office and continue their protest.

Aspirants demanding that Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) exams be held in a single shift continued their protest for the fourth consecutive day outside the commission's office in Prayagraj on Thursday morning. Students were seen sloganeering outside the Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission office.