Jaipur: The Rajasthan police on Tuesday claimed that the handwriting and surface on which threats against Padmavati movie was scribbed, near the body found hanging in Nahargarh Fort, are “not normal”. 


“The handwriting & the surface on which the notes were written were not normal. Probe has reached advanced stage,” said Ajit Singh, Director General of Police, Rajasthan.

“It's a complicated case, we are investigating all the angles. We are examining CCTV footage,” he further added.

Earlier today, Rajput Karni Sena called for a CBI probe into the Nahargarh Fort incident.

On November 24, a body was found hanging on the Jaipur's Nahargarh Fort with a threat note engraved on the rocks against the protester of the movie 'Padmavati'.

"The Nahargarh incident was just to rake communal tension in the country. The threat has been issued to us. I want CBI to probe the case. CBI should probe whether Sanjay Leela Bhansali's people are involved in this matter," he said.