New Delhi: Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has announced vacancies for the recruitment of Statistical Field Surveyor, Asst Revenue Inspector, Amin, Forest Guard, Excise Constable Vacancies under Group C cadre.


A total of 2841 vacancies have been notified. Interested candidates can apply for the jobs on the official website

The online registration for the OSSSC Recruitment for Group C posts started on October 1, 2021. The last date for online application is October 21, 2021.

OSSSC Recruitment 2021 - Vacancy details:

Statistical Field Surveyor - 529

Asst Revenue Inspector - 576

Amin - 538

Forest Guard - 806

Excise Constable – 392

OSSSC Recruitment 2021 - Age Limit:

Minimum age – 21 years, Maximum age – 32 years for all posts except Forest Guard post for which, the minimum age is 18 years, while the maximum age is 32 years. Certain relaxations will be provided as per government rules.

OSSSC Recruitment 2021 - Exam details:

The combined recruitment examination will be tentatively held in November. The OMR-based written exam will consist of 180 multiple-type questions. Those candidates who clear the screening test will have to clear the Physical Standard Measure (PSM) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) rounds.

Also Read: HPCL Recruitment 2021: Over 250 vacancies announced, salary up to Rs 10 lakh, check details here

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