Perfectionism is just like a tight rope which somehow ties us. We constantly try to achieve something that seems just out of reach. And due to this we make ourselves stressed and feel unworthy when things don’t go as perfect. But for living a fulfilling and relaxed life, we have to learn the skill of embracing imperfections.


Firstly, we have to understand this fact that perfection is an unrealistic goal. In this world, no one is perfect, we all are human being and we make mistakes and it is natural part of us. When we strive for perfection, we set ourselves up for disappointment because we were dreaming for something which actually does not exist.

Instead of jumping on perfection, try to focus on appreciating progress and efforts. Celebrate every small victory of yours and try to learn from your mistakes instead of blaming yourself. This shift in mindset can surely reduce the stress and makes us feel more satisfied with our accomplishments.

Another you can adopt the skill of self-compassion. Try to treat you with so much kindness, especially then when things don’t go as planned. Tell yourself that everyone faces challenges and setbacks; it is just the part of the process. By being gentle with you, you can build strength and maintain a positive outlook towards situation.

The most important thing you can do is set realistic expectations. Understand that doing your best is often enough. Striving for good is nice but it is also ok if things don’t go perfectly. You have to maintain the balance and adopt the skill of acceptance as it is crucial in this journey.

Always remember, perfectionism originate from the fear of judgment or failure. By letting go of these fears and accepting the reality of imperfection as part of life, through this we can free up ourselves from unnecessary pressure.

Embracing imperfection simply means shifting our focus towards the reality; this will help us to live our life with joy and satisfaction.