Elegant minimalism is the key, with a focus on clean lines and calming color palettes, creating a serene escape. Nature-inspired elements such as wooden accents and plant motifs are gaining popularity, bringing a touch of the outdoors inside. Smart technology integration enhances functionality, offering a seamless and luxurious experience. Texture plays a crucial role, with tactile materials like stone and matte finishes adding depth.


The bathroom has evolved beyond its utilitarian function, and is now serving as a sanctuary for relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. Mr. Salil Sadanandan President - South Asia & Asia Pacific at Kohler Co. shares some of the new trends we are witnessing :

Self-Expression as a Theme

Bathrooms are becoming a canvas for self-expression. From monochromatic minimalism to layered maximalism, consumers are looking for choices that reflect their style and offer a unique storytelling experience.

Wellness and Self-Indulgence

The theme of wellness, self-indulgence, and situational isolation are inspiring new trends in design, decor, and lifestyle choices. They are emphasizing the importance of designing spaces that promote well-being, offer personal comfort and luxury, and provide moments of solitude and reflection in our increasingly fast-paced and interconnected lives. 

Smart Bathrooms

The emergence of smart bathrooms with features like motion sensors, automatic lid operation, and self-cleaning capabilities is redefining convenience, comfort and hygiene like any toilet which has a lot more tech features. Smart technology is taking centre stage, revolutionizing the bathroom experience with its innovative offerings in toilets, showers, and mirrors. They are turning bathrooms into a haven of indulgence and well-being.

Multifunctional Home Interiors

There is a growing demand for multifunctional home interiors that cater to daily activities, entertainment, and exercise. This trend is fostering the development of luxurious movie and game rooms, home gyms, and personal saunas.

Sustainability Focus

In today's market, consumers are becoming more discerning, and are actively seeking out companies that prioritize community and environmental well-being. Within this context, water conservation and sustainability have become critical with consumers opting for products that are smart as well as efficient.