Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, achieved an extraordinary physical transformation by losing 108 kilograms in just 18 months. His mother, Nita Ambani, also embarked on her own fitness journey, successfully shedding 18 kilograms, showcasing her commitment to a healthier lifestyle.


Their remarkable transformations were guided by fitness expert Vinod Channa, who crafted personalized routines and dietary plans for both. Now, Channa is sharing valuable insights for those aiming to reduce belly fat, drawing inspiration from the Ambanis' dedication and success. These stories stand as powerful examples of how discipline and expert guidance can lead to impressive results.

Here are 3 tips shared by Vinod Channa that can help you lose belly fat, just like the Ambanis did:

1. Eat Regularly to Boost Metabolism
Vinod Channa suggests having meals at consistent intervals, ideally every two hours, to maintain an active metabolism and avoid overeating or bloating. He emphasizes that eating frequently promotes efficient digestion and fat burning. Additionally, Channa advises choosing healthier alternatives to your favorite junk foods rather than completely cutting them out.

2. Target Abs After Working on Large Muscles
To achieve effective abs, Vinod recommends starting with exercises that target larger muscle groups, such as the legs, back, and chest, before moving on to abdominal workouts. He explains that burning calories in these bigger muscles facilitates fat loss, making it easier to sculpt and define the abs.

3. Focus on All Muscle Groups 
Channa emphasizes the need to engage all areas of your core. He suggests incorporating exercises such as crunches for the upper abs, cross crunches and leg raises for the obliques, and side planks for the lower abs. These moves effectively target various abdominal muscles, resulting in a stronger and more sculpted core.