A tradition is not about the rituals, it's a whole lifestyle. How people form their opinion on the basis of what values they own about the different topics. Building a tradition includes many phases and many generations. It takes generations to generations to set or start a trend. Which gradually weaves the minds of the upcoming generation. Nowadays the technology has exposed others ' cultural knowledge. This allows the people who consume content to forge a new perspective which is great because having an open vision allows to expand the knowledge. But somewhere the modern values are gradually replacing the tradition. Let’s discover more points about How Modernity reshaped Traditions?


Loss of Cultural Essence

Technology: Modern communication tools like social media and the internet have exposed people to diverse cultures and lifestyles, potentially diminishing the hold of local traditions. This allows people to have easy access to nearly everything. 

Urbanisation: The shift towards urban life disrupts traditional community structures and practices tied to rural settings. The urbanisation might be the cause why people are now less interested to know about their own  rich culture and traditions.

Education: Increased access to education can lead to a questioning of traditional beliefs and customs, especially those seen as outdated or restrictive. The questioning spirit is too high in the comparison of learning spirit. Which leads to having more questions without having any direction.

A Blend of Old and New

Modernity doesn't necessarily eradicate tradition. Instead, it often leads to a hybrid approach  where traditional elements are considered into modern life, or traditions are reinterpreted to fit contemporary values and needs. The blend talks about how the youth is now aware about both sides. The modern tools are letting them explore and that helps them to gain knowledge of their culture along with  having a respectful approach towards other cultures. 

Overall, the relationship between modernity and tradition is complex and constantly evolving. While modernity presents challenges, it also offers opportunities for traditions to adapt, reinvent themselves, and remain a vital part of our cultural heritage.