Have you ever thought what if you don’t have any passion for yourself! Sounds horrible… right! In this world, everybody is doing something, but are they really sure about what they are doing, Are they sure about that this is their passion? I know most of you have no answer regarding this. Everybody have their own interest’s likes-dislikes, someone likes watching movies but it is their interest not passion. You can call it passion when they are actually curious about the technique or concept of creating movies. This is the minor difference between interest and passion. And generally people misunderstand interest with passion.


Passion is not just a word, it is a feeling that wakes you up early every morning, also it doesn't makes you feel tired even when you come back home late at night. Passion is something that keeps you engaged, makes you work hard and most importantly, gives a purpose to your life.

What actually you do if you are confused about your passion?

You can do experiments with yourself. Trust me; it is one of the best processes of finding your true passion. For this, simply you have to choose any activity which you never performed before and do it continuously at least for two months. This will help you to know that is this activity actually excites you, you really enjoyed it or not and most importantly can this activity is able to be your passion.

Always remember one thing that this process of experimenting is a continuous process. Don’t just stick on one activity just because it is your passion, Passion can change with time and it is normal. Don’t fill your life with boredom, start exploring new things, may be you will find something better than your previous one. And by doing this, you can prepare a strong base for yourself.