Have you ever felt like you are not living enough, that you are lacking something in doing what you do, or that something is missing from your life? Then you must ask yourself, What do I want to do? What do I want to be? What is my purpose? Ask yourself these three questions so that you can discover how to live your life to the fullest. Life is more than just making ends meet; it is about doing something, leaving a mark, being who we want to be, and realizing our aspirations. There is no hard and fast rule for making ends meet and living up to your full potential, but attempting and striving constantly is the key to improving yourself and making your ambition a reality.



Ask Yourself- Ask yourself what you want to be and who you want to become. Only you can answer that question on what you want to achieve and live to your full potential. You never know what you have, the potential, skills, and much more. The thing is you have to unlock yourself to live to the fullest.


Give it a Shot- Try to do something besides your daily routine and while trying to do so give it your best shot and only then you can know what you're capable of. It might work or might not work but you gave it a shot and you can make changes when you try again.


Have a Clear Mindset- Have a clear mindset in what you do and be practical in what you do. You may feel demotivated and feel like giving up. But you have a long way in life and you can try again and again until you unlock your full potential.


Enjoy- Enjoy what you do and love what you do. Only then you can live up to your full potential. Without loving what you do, it becomes a burden and by becoming a burden you can never achieve what you want to be and live up to your full potential.


Life is a journey not a race, live life to the fullest. We are destined to be someone in life and have a purpose in life. One day we will all die but before we die we must leave and mark of what we have done and show your purpose in life that we have live up to your full potential and show the younger generation that you can too.