Climate change is the biggest problem but it doesn’t mean that you are too small to make a difference! Even by doing little changes in your daily life you can establish a big impact on the environment. Here’s how you can be a climate super hero:


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: This golden rule can be your best friend! Try to buys less stuffs, especially things with lots of packaging. Before buy the new one, try to reuse your previous one like, you can reuse water bottle instead of buying a new one, also you can fix a broken toy instead of throwing it away and the things which you can’t able to reuse, recycle it at least.

Be a Green Machine at Home: Try to adopt some small changes in yourself like, turning off all the lights when you leave a room, unplug those electronics equipments which you are not using and by taking short showers you can save energy. Consider switching to energy efficient light bulbs too.

Ditch the Drive: Cars are convenient we all know, but they guzzle gas and pollute the environment. If you are covering a shorter journey, try to use public transport or if possible, choose to walk instead to choosing any transport. Even carpooling with friends helps to reduce emissions.

Become a water warrior: We all know without water we can’t survive a single day, It has huge importance in our lives. So, we should avoid its unusual wastage. While bathing, use bucket and a mug instead of using a shower. Every single drop is precious, preserve it.

The power of plants: Tress are our biggest saviour, they not only provides us food or shelter but also air quality better so that we can breath purity. Try to grow plants as much possible. Your single step will provide a great support to our natural climate.

Be a conscious consumer: Try to buy those products or things which are eco-friendly, ensure that its packaging should be made from recycled materials. Supports those companies, which supports sustainable practices.

Raise your voice! Talk to your known including, family members and friends about this major issue of climate change. Let them know about the small efforts or changes they can make. Together you can inspire others to join the movement for a beautiful and healthier planet.

Remember, your small change can make a big difference. By taking action in favour of environment, you are not just helping the environment, you are creating a better future for yourself and your upcoming generations. So, what are you waiting for? – Start small, and watch your impact grow!