Life gifts us so many things like, experiences, relationships and responsibilities and we all trying to make hold onto these things, even we hold material things too which may no longer serve us. But attachment is our human tendency, due to this we holding things so tightly and this habit of us makes ‘the art of letting go’ important.


 Letting go doesn’t mean, forgetting or erasing the past. It is just about acknowledging what was, accepting it and then choosing a path of moving forward with lighter heart. When you adopt the letting go skill, you actually make a space for new things.

Letting go is such a powerful tool which reduces our stress. We generally irritate our mind by holding onto grudges, regrets or anxieties and letting go will help us to release that burden and find peace.

We generally cling towards our past and that is why we miss out new experiences and opportunities. Letting go allows us to look what’s next with open mind.

Sometimes, letting go means forgiving someone or letting go attachments which is unhealthy. This can generate a healthier and more authentic connection with others.

The most important stage of letting go is acknowledging your feelings. Don’t stops them, write them in your diary, talk to your friend or anybody whom you trust. Instead of suppressing, express all your feeling with whole heart so that you can feel light.

Don’t play a blame game with others or with yourself too. Try to forgive yourself and others for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Adopt healthy habits like meditation, which will help you to keep calm and stay in present.

Change is not easy but takes it as an opportunity for growth, not something to fear. Letting go isn’t always easy but it is possible. It is the only way through which you can make space for your happiness, growth or a more fulfilling life.