NEW DELHI: In a surprising development, Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav on Wednesday said that he hopes Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns to power again. The former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister made the jaw-dropping remark while addressing the Lok Sabha. 


Though Samajwadi Party leaders tried to downplay Mulayam's statement, saying that it was all in humour, but it would not be wrong to say that SP patriarch's comment meant something far bigger.

"I want to congratulate the PM that he tried to move ahead taking everyone along. I hope all members to win and return, and you (PM Modi) become prime minister again," the 79-year-old Mulayam said in the Lower House of Parliament.

Former Congress President Sonia Gandhi was sitting next to Mulayam when he made the remarks. Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed the remarks by thumping his desk but Sonia did not show any emotion.

Later, when PM Modi took to the floor to address the lawmakers he responded to Mulayam's remarks by saying: "There is much to do. And Mulayam Singhji has given his blessings. I am very grateful to him."

CongressPpresident Rahul Gandhi, however, said that he disagreed with Mulayam's remark but said that the veteran SP leader has an important role in politics and he respects his opinion".

It may be recalled that the same wish was made by Mulayam Singh for outgoing PM Manmohan Singh in 2014.

Talking to ANI, NCP MP Supriya Sule said: "I wish you (PM Modi) become PM again': I have heard that respected Mulayam Singh ji had said the same thing for Manmohan Singh ji in 2014."