New Delhi: If you like regional or folk songs then Haryanvi tracks are a must on your playlist. This 2019 hit song titled 'Unchi Haveli' sung by Renuka Panwar and Aditya Kalkal has set YouTube on fire.


The song 'Unchi Haveli' has crossed 100 million views on the video-sharing platform. Watch it here, in case you missed:

The song has garnered 106,305,630 views so far. It has been uploaded by RangTaal records on YouTube on November 19, 2019. With almost one year to its release, the chartbuster track has crossed a mammoth view score on YouTube, making it a viral song amongst Haryanvi song fans. 

The song 'Unchi Haveli' features Pranjal Dahiya and Aditya Kalkal. It has been presented by Priyanka Dutt. MST and Aditya Kalkal have penned the lyrics while music is composed by JRB Bunty. 

Watch Unchi Haveli and enjoy some Haryanvi flavour!