New Delhi: Ahead of the launch of their music video, actress Jacqueline Fernandez and 'Bigg Boss 13' runner-up Asim Riaz teased fans with dreamy pictures from the sets. In the pictures,  Jacqueline is channeling her inner princes in a traditional outfit and jewellery. She also poses with an arrow and captioned the post as, "Princess diaries." Meanwhile, Asim looks dapper in a white suit. The pictures are proof of the fun they are having while shooting for the video, which is a Holi-special song. 


"Asim Riaz, please smile more, it suits you! New song coming out soon," Jacqueline captioned another post of hers.

Take a look at the photos here:

The song is named 'Mere Angne Mein', a remixed version of Amitabh Bachchan's hit track of the same name from 1981 film 'Laawaris'. It is expected to be out on March 7.

Jacqueline, stars of films such as 'Kick' and 'Race 3', was last seen in Netflix's 'Drive'. Her next project - a crime thriller titled 'Mrs Serial Killer' - will also release in Netflix. It has been directed by Shirish Kunder and produced by Farah Khan. 

On the other hand, Asim Riaz, who is fresh out of 'Bigg Boss 13', is busy with his music video projects. Apart from the one with Jacqueline, he also shot for a music video with his ladylove Himanshi Khurana. The track has been sung by Neha Kakkar.