Detroit: In a scathing attack on Hillary Clinton, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said his Democratic rival was responsible for emboldening Iran like never before and bringing endless "humiliation" for America.


"Hillary Clinton's foreign policy has squandered trillions in American wealth overseas. Yet, for all the money spent, all Clinton delivered was death, destruction and terrorism. She unleashed ISIS and turmoil in Iraq, Syria and Libya," Trump, 70, said at an election rally in Naples, Florida yesterday.

Terming Hillary as "trigger-happy", Trump alleged that she wanted to start a shooting war in Syria that could involve nuclear-armed Russia.
He alleged that Hillary had bad judgment, bad instincts and is too reckless to be allowed into the Oval Office.

"Hillary also started the negotiations that led to the Iran deal ? and thus ultimately leading to the USD 1.7 billion ransom for American hostages. Clinton gave Iran everything they wanted and more ? including Iraq. Now, Iran is emboldened as never before," Trump said.

In the latest insult to America, the government of Iran is demanding "many billions" in new ransom payments for a US businessman and his ailing father, he said, adding that Iran releasing a video of the captive including footage from earlier this year of American soldiers being forced to their knees at gunpoint was adding to the insult.

"The humiliation for our country never seems to end ? and it's the humiliation brought on by a Secretary of State who was more interested in getting paid by foreign countries, than in representing the country she lives in," Trump said.

He alleged that to cover-up her crimes as Secretary of State, Hillary bleached and deleted 33,000 emails, lied to Congress under oath, made 13 phones disappear ? some with a hammer ? and then told the FBI she couldn't remember 39 times.

"The best evidence that the system is rigged is that Hillary Clinton is even allowed to run for President in the first place. The Clintons grew their gross income by USD 60 million while Hillary was Secretary of State," Trump said.

"She's not a diplomat ? she's a grifter, always looking for an easy way to sell government favors and access in exchange for cash. The Clintons end up with the money, and America ends up with the humiliation. When I am President, America will be respected in the world once again," he said.

He said it also meant standing up against the oppression of the Castro regime in Cuba, and standing in solidarity with freedom-loving people in Venezuela and across Latin America living under oppression.

"The Obama-Clinton Administration has abandoned our friends in Latin America and delivered only poverty and joblessness for Hispanic-Americans here at home," Trump said.