Washington: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump today ruled out a pathway to legal status for illegal immigrants and said if elected to the White House he would authorise law enforcement agencies for deportation of those illegal immigrants who have committed crime.


There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the US, of which several hundred thousands are of Indian origin.

"We are going stop illegal immigration pouring into our country. My first day in office, I am going to notify law enforcement authorities that all of the bad dudes, and we have a lot of them, that are here illegally, that are the heads of gangs and drug cartels and all sorts of people... They're out," Trump told CNN.

"There is no path to legalisation, unless people leave the country. When they come back in, if they come back in, then they can start paying taxes," he said.

Trump said using the existing laws of the country, Obama has deported a large number of illegal immigrants.

"You have a lot of people being deported. We're going to do that vigorously. We're going to go with the laws that are existing, but we're going to have a very strong border and we're not going to have people pouring back in," he said.

The Republican presidential nominee remained non-committal on deportation of all the 11 illegal immigrants even those who have not committed any crime.

"We're going to see what happens once we strengthen up our border... But there is a very good chance the answer could be yes, we're going to see what happens," he said.

"We're going to have a tremendous wall. We're going to have a wall that Mexico pays for, which will be very easy, because they are making a fortune with us, the wall is peanuts compared to the money that they make," he said.

The Hillary Campaign was quick to slam Trump for his remarks on illegal immigration.

"Confirming what we've seen from the start of his campaign: Donald Trump will be Donald Trump.

No one can change his hateful rhetoric or dangerous policies to send a deportation force into American communities, rescind DACA and DAPA, end birthright citizenship, and even ban remittances to families in Mexico in order to help build his giant wall. He may try to disguise his plans by throwing in words like 'humane' or 'fair' but the reality remains that Trump's agenda echoes the extreme right's will - one that is fueling a dangerous movement of hatred across the country," she said.

"Enough is enough. Donald Trump must stop playing games with the lives of law-abiding immigrant families in order to save his campaign. These are families who contribute to the greatness of our country and that need a President who will fight to keep them together - not someone who will denigrate them and tear them apart," Palmieri said.