New York: Even as on Sunday, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump 48 percent- 43 percent in a Washington Post/ABC tracking poll, 44 percent - 40 percent in an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll and 45 percent - 42 percent in a Politico/Morning Consult poll, the most recent surveys find that the win is still not very clear.


Most analysis are saying that Trump is in striking distance of winning the election and there`s just one reason for that - he is leading white voters without a college degree by a huge margin and Clinton isn`t.

Among this particular group, the Republican nominee leads his Democratic opponent by 59 percent to 30 percent, reports the New York Times.

This figure is larger than the 57-35 lead that Mitt Romney had with those voters in the final polls in 2012 and has even managed to cancel out four years of favorable demographic shifts for Democrats among Hispanic and well-educated white voters.

As per the latest statistics, Trump is winning the less educated whites by a huge margin and Clinton is faring worse than incumbent President Obama faced during his contest in 2008.He has even won supporters among some of the same white voters, who backed President Barack Obama in 2008. And if Trump wins the presidency, it would be courtesy the less educated white voters.

He could win enough Electoral College votes without winning the popular vote, through narrow victories in Midwestern and Northeastern battlegrounds like Wisconsin and New Hampshire where Democrats depend on support among the white working-class voters.

Trump`s strength with that group could even be enough for him to win Florida where Clinton`s abundant support among the Hispanic voters would otherwise defeat a Republican.