Zee Media Bureau New Delhi: The anti-corruption helpline number launched by Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government has helped nab two police constables taking bribe, a news channel reported on Saturday. The constables - Ishwar Singh Singh, Sandeep Kumar are posted at Janakpuri police station. They were nabbed after a complaint was reported through the anti-coruption helpline number launched by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government on Wednesday. The anti-corruption helpline introduced by the Delhi government received over 23,000 calls within two days of its launch and a person was trapped successfully, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said Friday.
Kejriwal said one person was trapped, while another, on the verge of being caught, refused to take the bribe at the last moment sensing something wrong. He said most of the calls pertain to grievances and not of corruption and because of this, lines are getting jammed.
Kejriwal Wednesday announced a helpline which he said would help trap government employees who demand bribes.