Zee Media Group
New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal on Monday called for the heads of administrative officers over their ‘inadequate’ reactions to rape incidents and demanded that Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde and Delhi Police chief Neeraj Kumar step down. Replying to claims that AAP workers created a ruckus at the Dayanand Hospital where the five-year-old rape victim ‘Gudiya’ was initially lodged, Kejriwal said that the volunteers didn’t bother any of the patients lodged at the hospital.
“Yes we did protest, but we didn’t cause any discomfort to any patient.
“In fact it was due to our protest that Delhi Police moved the victim to AIIMS,” Kejriwal added. Kejriwal also accused the Delhi Police of failing to create a sense of fear among criminals, and announced that it will set up a voluntary women security force to help women in distress to lodge a police complaint in case the law enforcers fail to act.
According to Kejriwal, the force will "pressurise police officers to take action in cases of crime committed against women".
He said the force will seek volunteers to come forward and register themselves. "We will be having a meeting regarding the set-up of this force on the 27th of this month and will make it operationalised by May," Kejriwal said.
He said AAP will form the initial force by enrolling a few retired Army personnel who will form the base of the force.
"The Delhi Police is more interested in serving the interests of the people who are in power and putting up false allegations against opposition party activists, so we have to perform their role," he said.
Kejriwal said the voluntary citizens force will be formed after volunteers from various colleges and constituencies enrol in them, whereby the volunteers will keep a tab on the cases of crime against women that happens in the locality and act accordingly.
"We will make sure that every woman in the city is safe when our government comes to power, we will not leave the common man in the hands of the Delhi Police," he said.
With Agency Inputs