New Delhi: A youth has been jailed for three years for harassing his wife by compelling her to undergo an abortion within two months of their marriage by a Delhi court which said judiciary should exercise "zero tolerance" as such type of crimes against young women are on the rise. The court also expressed anguish over police not investigating the aspect of the death of the woman who allegedly committed suicide following harassment by her husband. Additional Sessions Judge Kamini Lau refused to show any mercy to 27-year-old Ram Saini, Gurgaon resident, and said whenever a "drastic crime of this nature" is detected, the judiciary should deal ruthlessly with the offender. The court convicted Saini of the charge of harassing and cruelly treating his 23-year-old wife Lukesh, who committed suicide in January 2012, but acquitted him of the charges of dowry death. The judge, however, said police has been "over indulgent" to Saini by not probing the aspect of compelling his wife to abort her foetus and not charging him for it due to which the court was handicapped in looking into that aspect. It acquitted Saini`s mother Bimla Devi of the charge of harassment and dowry death as allegations against her were vague. "The unfortunate marriage lasted for hardly 55 days and within 10 days the deceased (Lukesh) had also conceived. "These instances of young women choosing to end their lives soon after their marriage on account of harassment are increasing at an alarming rate and if we want the society to be ridden of this growing evil, it is imperative that whenever a drastic crime of this nature is detected and the offence brought home to the accused, the courts should exercise `zero tolerance` for the same and deal with the offender ruthlessly and impose deterrent punishment," it said.