New Delhi: Delhi government's fact-finding report on JNU incident on Thursday claimed that one of the accused Umar Khalid's role was visible in many videos and it needs to be further investigated.


The report further states that anti-national slogans were indeed raised on JNU campus and the administration of the varsity had identified few faces who were clearly heard raising anti-India slogans.


Whereabouts of them should be found out and their role must be further investigated, states report.

About Khalid's role, the report said that his support for the role of Kashmir and Afzal Guru is known and he was the organiser of the event.


After the incident, an enquiry was ordered by Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia into the incident to give factual report into the events.

The Delhi High Court on Wednesday granted six-month interim bail to JNU student leader Kanhaiya Kumar, accused of sedition.


Kanhaiya Kumar`s bail bond was given a day after the high court judge Pratibha Rani granted him the bail after asking him to furnish a surety of Rs.10,000.

The president of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union (JNUSU) was arrested on February 12 on charges of shouting anti-national slogans, a charge he has denied.

(With Agency inputs)