New Delhi: Manish Sisodia, the Man Friday of Arvind Kejriwal, came to prominence during Anna Hazare`s movement for Jan Lokpal Bill in 2011. The 41-year-old is also part of AAP`s central working committee and it came as no surprise that he was selected in Kejriwal`s Cabinet. He has been given charge of Education, PWD, Urban Development, Local Bodies and Land and Building departments. The journalist-turned-activist-turned-politician defeated BJP`s Nakul Bhardwaj by over 11,000 votes from Patparganj constituency in East Delhi. Sisodia had worked as a journalist with Zee News and All India Radio for a long time. He later quit journalism to participate in the agitation for Right To Information. He was one of the founding members of the Janlokpal agitation and part of the team which chalked out its first draft. When Anna Hazare was arrested and sent to jail during the agitation, he too was sent to prison. Sisodia also sat on fast for 10 days demanding setting up of an SIT to probe cases against corrupt Union ministers. Sisodia had declared assets worth Rs 41,83,942 in his election affidavit. He has a diploma in journalism from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan.