New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 12-year-old boy was grievously injured in an incident of firing in Delhi's Geeta Colony area.


Reportedly, the firing took place during the wee hours of Monday.

One of the locals said that the incident took place at around 1 AM and the firing lasted for as long as 15 to 20 minutes.

Who were those attackers?

The attackers, said to four in number, had come to shoot down one Mukhtiyar, but instead the latter's younger brother got injured when a bullet grazed past his shoulder. The 12-year-old has been admitted to GTB hospital.

"We were sleeping inside our homes when we heard gun shots being fired at around 1 0r 1.15 am. The firing lasted for 15-20 minutes. A little boy, in front of whose house the firing was going on, tried to peep out of the door when a bullet grazed past his shoulder. The bullet hit the younger brother on the person who was being attacked," one of the persons from the neighborhood told ANI.

"They had come to kill Mukhtiyar but the bullet hit younger brother. They were at least four in number," he added.