New Delhi: Two laboratory technicians died of suffocation when their room was filled with smoke as a minor fire broke out at their pathological facility in Tilak Nagar area in the wee hours of on Thursday, police said. The deceased were identified as Vipin (28), a native of Uttar Pradesh, and Robin (29), a native of Kerala. According to the fire department, a call was received around 3.30 AM that a fire had broke out at a lab situated in a house in Tilak Nagar area. "Seven fire tenders were rushed to the spot to douse the flames. After around 50 minutes, the fire was completely doused. In the incident, two persons were killed," said a fire department official. Police said, as per initial investigation, it seems that the fire broke out due to a short-circuit in air-conditioner fitted in the basement lab. "Vipin and Robin were at the ground floor of the house when the fire broke at the basement where X-ray machine and other equipment were kept. The impact of the fire was such that smoke filled the ground floor which caused to the duo`s death. Vipin and Robin died of suffocation and there was no burn injury on their bodies," said a senior police officer. He also said that police are now investigating the case and culprits will be booked accordingly.