Zee Media Bureau
Jakarta: US Secretary of State John Kerry has enumerated Climate change among the world`s most serious problems besides disease outbreaks, poverty, terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. He made a sincere appeal and called on all nations to respond to "the greatest challenge of our generation."

John Kerry made this statement while speaking before college students in Jakarta, Indonesia. He also mocked the climate-change deniers, saying "a few loud interest groups" shouldn`t be given the chance to misdirect the conversation. U.S. President Barack Obama`s had previously asserted in the State of the Union address that climate change is an undeniable fact. Kerry reiterated the same. He further said, "In a sense, climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even the world`s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction."
Because of climate change, it`s no secret that today Indonesia is one of the most vulnerable countries on Earth. Too many ecosystems such as Indonesia`s are in peril because of climate change, he lamented. He said Indonesia`s important fishing trade would be adversely affected, citing a study that said catches in the island nation will decline by 40 percent. "It is time for the world to approach this problem with the cooperation, the urgency, and the commitment that a challenge of this scale warrants," he concluded.