Melbourne: The Australian man, who is building a Noah`s ark in America, is set to unveil a dinosaur fossil named "Ebenezer", which he says proves that humans lived alongside dinosaurs.
Ken Ham, the founder of the Creation Museum in Kentucky, will be unveiling a new exhibit of a 30-foot-long skeleton of an Allosaurus, reported. The fossil resembles a Tyrannosaurus rex and is the centrepiece of a new exhibit called "Facing the Allosaurus".
According to Answers in Genesis, the Christian ministry that owns the museum, 50 percent of the skeleton`s bones were recovered when it was found in Colorado over a decade ago.
Keeping with its Bible-themed approach, the Creation Museum said that the dinosaur died in a worldwide flood about 4,300 years ago. However, scientists said that the last dinosaurs roamed the earth more than 60 million years ago.
Ham, who gained notoriety for his 80-million-dollar plan to build an ark, and a high-profile evolution debate with science educator Bill Nye, said that the new exhibit "will help us defend the book of Genesis and expose the scientific problems with evolution".