Zee Media Bureau
London: Prince Harry has embarked on his Antarctic trek today after the charity walk to the South Pole was delayed by bad weather for 48 hours.
The prince, who is a patron of the ‘Walking With The Wounded South Pole Allied Challenge’, arrives in Antarctic today along with his British team as he got ready for the 200 mile-trek to the South Pole. All three teams- The British, US and Commonwealth have given their green signal after the trek was thwarted by bad weather. The teams will pitch their tents and start the acclimatisation course before setting off on the 16-day walk to the South Pole.
Prince Harry along with his British team will race to the finish line, the South Pole against the US and Commonwealth teams. To deal with the extreme freezing Antarctic temperatures, Harry has undergone special training exercises ahead of the trek like spending 24 hours in a cold chamber several weeks ago.