Zee Media Bureau/Udita Madan


New Delhi: Orangutans are known to be extremely gentle creatures. They are among humankind’s closest relatives and share almost 98% of the same DNA with us.

Also being one of the most intelligent creatures on Earth, these apes love to interact with humans and vice versa.

The video that you're about to see is one of mother nature's biggest blessings. That of giving birth.

For the first time, a footage of an orangutan giving birth has been captured on film and it's one of the most beautiful videos.

The mother orangutan is called Dana. What makes this video all the more special, is that Dana was once pregnant back in 2009, however, due to life threatening complications, she gave birth to a stillborn.

In fact, the complications were so bad that the pregnancy also resulted in the blockage of her fallopian tubes, which left her infertile.

In this video, it's so wonderful to see her showing off her newborn to the Durrell Wildlife Park staff, who named the new family member Kea.

Orangutans, sadly, are slowly inching towards decline. There are only two species of orangutans in the world and one of the most critically endangered species out of all of the great apes. There are only an estimated 40,000 left in the wild, down from over 60,000 just 10 years ago.

Be forewarned, that the video is absolutely natural and very graphic, especially in the beginning.