New Delhi: Senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley on Tuesday said every well-wisher of the party should exercise restraint, as "irresponsible statements could discredit the party". "Even an isolated irresponsible statement will bring discredit to us. Every sensible well-wisher of the BJP is expected to exercise utmost restraint and concentrate on the issue of governance, which is the theme of our campaign. Any statement to the contrary will only help our rivals," said Jaitley in his blog. The leader`s reaction following VHP leader Pravin Togadia and party leader Giriraj Singh`s reported hate speeches. Earlier in the day, BJP`s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi had also tweeted that he disapproved of irresponsible statements being made by those who claim to be the party`s well wishers. Criticising the Congress, Jaitley also said that the leadership of that party is non-inspirational while Narendra Modi has become a "symbol of hope" for the country. Attacking Congress leader Amarinder Singh yet again, Jaitley said his politics reflects his "feudal instincts" and called him an "emperor". "He (Amarinder Singh) denies that he ever gave Tytler a clean chit. He, in a monarchical style, shouts down criticism and refuses to take questions. Having been caught lying with the straight face on the property tax and the Jagdish Tytler issue, any other candidate would have been put to shame before the people," he said.