Vadodara: A private tuition teacher here allegedly made his students and their parents walk on broken glass pieces "to build their self-confidence", prompting the district administration to order probe into the episode.


The incident took place on Tuesday when Rakesh Patel, a private tutor running coaching classes had asked about 70 young students and their parents to walk on broken glass shreds spread on the floor of his study centre.

Patel said he did this "so that they get rid of their fear and for making them self-confident".

He added that several adult participants who walked on the glass had made no complaint and there were no injuries.

District administration, however, has taken note of the incident and ordered probe.

"I have asked the district education officer, child section of district collectorate and police to conduct inquiry into the incident as it is an offence under child protection act," Vadodara District Collector Avantika Singh told PTI.

Gujarat Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasma has also taken the matter seriously saying such action cannot be allowed.

"We have recorded statements of several persons in this regard and are going ahead with the probe," collector Singh said.

"On the basis of reports, necessary action including registration of a case against the tutor with the police will be taken up," she said.

Due to Makar Sankranti today, the probe is delayed, but it will be completed soon, Singh stated.

The episode has drawn flak from rationalists and educationists also who have condemned it calling it to be "dangerous".

"A magician or street performer walking bare-footed across broken glass is a dramatic spectacle. If you have a close-up view, you can see the person's feet pressing against the jagged edges. Sometimes, one can even hear glass breaking underfoot. It's clearly dangerous," said educationist Tejal Amin.