A Member of Parliament from Bangladesh's Awami League party was detained in a murder case as sporadic pre-poll violence left 100 people injured around the country, reports said on Tuesday.
Mirza Azam, an Awami League candidate in the October 1 election, was detained with 19 other suspects after they surrendered to a magistrate court in his northern Jamalpur constituency.
The court rejected their appeals for bail and sent them to jail, sparking protests by Azam's supporters who called an indefinite general strike in Jamalpur, television reports said.
No violence was reported in the area, 136 kms from Dhaka.
A passer-by was killed during May clashes in Jamalpur between supporters of the Awami League and its arch rival, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). The victim's brother filed a suit naming Azam and others.

Bureau Report