President Vladimir Putin on Monday announced its five point strategy said to support US military operations in Afghanistan by providing arms to the Afghan opposition and opening its air space for aid shipments. "As far as an anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan is concerned, we define our position as follows”.
First, is active international co-operation with the involvement of special services. Russia is already providing and will do so in future - the information on infrastructure, locations of international terrorists and training bases. Second, we are ready to provide Russian airspace for airplanes carrying humanitarian cargo to the area where the operation is to be conducted.
Third, we agreed on this position with our allies among Central Asian states. They support this position of Russia and do not exclude providing their airfields.
Fourth, Russia is also ready - if it will be required – to participate in international search and rescue operations. And fifth, we will extend cooperation with the internationally recognised government of Afghanistan headed by Mr Rabbani and will assist its armed forces by providing additional military equipment and ammunition.
Other, more profound, forms of cooperation of Russia with participants on an anti-terrorist operation are also possible. The depth and nature of such co-operation will directly depend on the level and quality of our relation with these countries, as well as mutual understanding in the struggle against international terrorism." Bureau Report