External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh on Monday spoke to Palestine leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres and voiced India's concern over the escalation of violence in West Asia in the last few days. Both Arafat and Peres briefed the minister about the prevailing situation as also moves being initiated to restore peace, an external affairs ministry statement said. The two leaders welcomed India's role in the region and reaffirmed their continued faith in the positive role that it plays in the region. The MEA statement said that India has watched with concern the recent escalation of violence in West Asia. This has, regrettably, resulted in the loss of many innocent lives on both sides. ''We continue to be steadfast in our belief that there is no military solution to this conflict that to peace there is no alternative violence must, therefore be abjured,'' it said.
India has consistently supported efforts of the international community, in which regard it supports the implementation of the Mitchell committee report, it said.
Bureau Report